Weekly Update!

Two weekends ago Dave and I were lucky enough to meet up with my (kinda) cousins Amanda and McKinley, their boyfriends, and McKinley’s dad, David. We went for Moroccan/Tunisian food in Shepherds Bush and had such a good time. Big thanks to David! All three of us girls haven’t been together since we were about 14 at a family reunion, so its pretty crazy we all now live in the UK and are all dating guys from here. What are the odds?! It was really fun catching up and its so good to have family over here as well!

Last weekend, we went for curry in Shoreditch with some of Dave’s friends from home. It was a lot of fun. The food was amazing and we also met up with some of their girlfriends who live in London, which was amazing for me because I’m really sick of just hanging with Dave’s friends all the time…not that I don’t love them, but I need some girl time too and most of my uni friends commute into town.

Not much else is new….lectures end in 2 weeks (10 weeks have gone by fast!), Dave starts training in 2 weeks, my dissertation topic is due in 2 weeks, and then its on to writing my essays for the classes I took this term…sounds fun huh?! Its now getting to crunch time!

Going up to Eckington this weekend to bunnysit while Dave’s parents are in Canada and to meet up with our friends Jodie and James we met in Africa. We haven’t seen them since they left and went on to travel the world for the next year.  They only got home in October, so they’ll have lots of good stories.

Miss you all



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