
Sunday- arrived in Lusaka
Monday- quick half day in the office and then we drove to Livingstone with Saul and Hitler (yes his name actually is Hitler!!)
Tuesday- Livingstone partner workshop Day 1
Wednesday- Livingstone workshop Day 2. In the evening I walked into livingstone (not much there to be honest!)
Thursday- half day in the field, which was really great. The villages were so remote and you could actually see some impact. After we had visited the project, we went to Victoria Falls!!! Incredible. Even saw elephants on the way! The falls were really amazing, they are just huge! I took lots of photos and had a great time talking with Pamela the interim country rep.
Friday- Drove back to Lusaka. The drive took most of the day and then in the evening we went out for drinks and a debrief meeting at a place in town which Saul arranged. It was pretty funny. Lots of singing and dancing.
Saturday- did a bit of work in the morning and then hung by the pool until my evening flight. Layover in South Africa – almost missed my flight. I was SOOO close! Not even from not being aware- I kept checking the signs to see and it wasn’t saying boarding. Finally I thought it was too close to the time so I walked to the gate…once I got there it said ‘gate closed’ my heart went into my throat and I started running!!! Luckily they hadn’t actually shut the door and let me on. I definitely was the last person on the plane though! It was ridiculous.

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