Moving to Bristol

On the 19th August 2016, David and I moved into our first house. Finally! It had been a long and uncertain wait as I’ve now learned is usually the case with buying houses and dealing with solicitors in the UK.  Despite not having the summer in Bristol that we thought we would have, we couldn’t be happier to be here!

The move didn’t come without it’s stresses though…. despite being a young, relatively healthy and fit 30 year old, I got shingles 1 week before we moved in.  Yes, SHINGLES, the old persons disease…or what I thought as a disease from the middle ages that no longer even existed. Oh I was wrong. It turns out I internalise stress and I needed to give my body and mind a break, shingles forced me to slow down and have some ‘me’ time to recharge my battery.  I hope I learned from it, because it was a hell of a rough time. I took some time off work, but not nearly enough and kept thinking I was better, to quickly realise that I wasn’t. It took a good 2 and a half months before I felt normal and back to my old self.

Back to the house…. it’s not quite what I had envisioned as my ‘charming’ English house, but it’ll do. It’s got a lovely deck which overlooks a river which is the highlight and reminds me of being home in Utah. It’s sort of a hidden gem in Bristol, you would never guess the river is back there. Just need some better weather so we can get out and enjoy the deck and not have it rain.  We can’t wait for next summer when we can really use it 🙂

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