Happy International Day of Happiness

It’s the little things in life…A List of Happiness:

back tickles

giving a meaningful gift for someone (even better when i can make it myself)

the smell in the air before it snows

childhood memories and going through old photos

a book so good that all you can think about is when you’ll be able to get back to reading it

a good, deep conversation with someone new

happy tears

fresh clean sheets

getting off a plane into the heat of a new place

watching Little Women (or any of my faves I can watch over and over)

children’s books

children and the joy of watching them grow and learn

playing the piano

planning and doing, writing lists and then getting them done

creating things with my own two hands be it art, home diy, or some other type of craft. Creativity makes me happy

cuddles with cats and dogs

listening to and singing along to musicals…les mis, phantom, secret garden, ragtime,

rearranging furniture

being with my family up at the cabin in Utah

watching The Nutcracker Prince on Christmas Eve

reunions with my girlfriends

being outside in the mountains – hiking and camping

early morning coffee

the mountains at sunrise, but looking the other way at the gray beauty

hot tubs


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