Olive jean

3 months You went on your first plane ride and did great! You met your great grandma jean You met lots of your mom’s friends and your future pals Cora, Cici, seb, Scotland, and the twins You went to the zoo You went on your first hike – Delicate Arch Your parents left you for … More Olive jean

Olive Jean

4 months- You can roll over from front to back You went swimming for the first time and loved it You are giggling more and more You like to hold both of your feet You like to stick your tongue out and make funny noises You recognise your mommy and daddy You hold your head … More Olive Jean


Travel means a lot to me. It’s the exploration of cultures, widening of the mind, and most importantly the regular learning which inspires me. After I graduated college, I decided to fulfil a lifelong dream of mine and I travelled to Tanzania.  This trip truly was life changing. It altered where I would live, who … More Travel

Moving to Bristol

On the 19th August 2016, David and I moved into our first house. Finally! It had been a long and uncertain wait as I’ve now learned is usually the case with buying houses and dealing with solicitors in the UK.  Despite not having the summer in Bristol that we thought we would have, we couldn’t … More Moving to Bristol

Random thoughts….

It feels I’m officially a Londoner. Headphones in, head down, lifted only when a tourist asks for directions….which seems to generally always to be to me. Obviously the remnants of life in friendly Salt Lake, where, to be honest I wasn’t nearly as friendly and approachable as others due to my introverted and shy nature, … More Random thoughts….


Sunday- arrived in Lusaka Monday- quick half day in the office and then we drove to Livingstone with Saul and Hitler (yes his name actually is Hitler!!) Tuesday- Livingstone partner workshop Day 1 Wednesday- Livingstone workshop Day 2. In the evening I walked into livingstone (not much there to be honest!) Thursday- half day in … More Zambia